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Reasons for contacting the consultation service of a Dutch assault centre

Abstract: A telephone and e-mail helpline known as the Consultation Service, open to all the public, was launched at a Dutch Centre for Sexual Violence to deal with non-acute sexual violence. The aim of this study was to gain insight into case characteristics, reasons for contacting the Consultation Service and whether these reasons differed for victims, their relatives and professionals. Using a mixed methods design, the study included all consultations handled at the Consultation Service in 2018 and 2019. Descriptive statistics described quantitatively the case characteristics, the themes and differences between victims, relatives and professionals. The themes of the reasons for contact were established from the qualitative analysis, using the method of content analysis. Cases were characterised by complexity. Three themes emerged: case complexity, decision-making on care options and reporting to the police, which differed for victims, relatives and professionals. The differences in reasons for contacting the helpline imply that approaches should be adapted and fitted to different clients. Specialised care is needed to guide clients through cases that are challenging and often complex. There is a widespread lack of knowledge of options in addition to the complex multifaceted aspects to decision making about actions post-assault. Assault centres should implement a Consultation Service in which integrated care is offered not only to the victims, but also to their relatives and professionals.

This research paper was publiced in ‘Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine’ in March 2022.