What can you do after sexual assault?
0800-0188: This is the number to call in the event of sexual assault!
Maybe you have had a traumatic sexual experience or someone you know, such as a fellow student, has had one. Check out this page and see what you can do for yourself or someone else. There is already one action you can take: put our number (0800-0188) in your phone. We hope you don’t need us, but please know that we are here for you and your loved ones after a traumatic sexual experience.
Always at your fingertips. Please add 0800-0188 to your contacts.
Good to know: this number only works if you have a Dutch provider. Don’t you have a Dutch provider? Chat with us.

0800-0188 in your phone. Why would you do this?
Almost everyone thinks that something like that won’t happen to them. And yet anyone can become a victim of a traumatic sexual experience. That is why it is important that you know who to call if you or someone close to you has had a traumatic sexual experience. Please add the number 0800-0188 to your contacts; it will take less than a minute and you will always have us at your fingertips. We are here for you if you need us.
Why is it important to contact 0800-0188 directly after a traumatic sexual experience?
If you seek help from the Sexual Assault Center (CSG) within seven days, preferably within 72 hours, then we will be able to give you the best help possible. Within this time you have a better chance of psychological recovery, preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, and to secure any evidence. This will increase the chance that the authorities will find the perpetrator.
What do we do at the Sexual Assault Center?
At the Sexual Assault Center, a team of doctors, nurses, police officers, psychologists, social workers and sex therapists work together to provide specialist care to victims of sexual assault and rape.

It can be quite difficult to hear that someone has experienced sexual assault. But please know that there is a lot you can do to help someone else. For example, listening without judgement. The Sexual Assault Center will give you more tips via the button below.
They tell their stories
Click on the pictures to read the stories.
The Sexual Assault Center is here for you!
Have you experienced an unpleasant sexual experience and need help or advice? Then contact the Sexual Assault Center. Check below what you can do best in your case. Our professionals are ready to help you. They are capable of helping you in English.
Facts and figures on sexual assault against students
- There are about 100,000 victims of sexual assault in the Netherlands each year.
- One out of ten female students becomes the victim of rape during their studies. And one percent of male students.
- If you are between the ages of 12 and 24, your risk of being raped is 4x as high.
Why is it important to seek help?
It is important to contact the Sexual Assault Center as soon as possible after a bad sexual experience. The sooner you call, the better we can help you.

Talk to a counsellor at your educational programme
Student counselor Patrick: ‘Together, we will look for a solution'
‘If you have had a traumatic sexual experience, then that can affect you for quite some time. It can affect your studies, for example. You might have trouble concentrating or sleeping, or anxiety. Or struggle with practical matters, such as having to go to therapy during class or attend your court hearing on the day of an important exam. It is good to discuss these things with the available professional at your educational institution, such as a dean or student psychologist. We will look for a solution with you and support you where necessary.’
Patrick Vandermeiren – student counsellor

Would you like to help out on this campaign yourself? You’re more than welcome! Use the button below to download all of our campaign materials. Good to know: this campaign is also available in Dutch.
The English translation of this campaign was made possible with the help of University of Twente.
Do you need help or advise?
Do you need help or do you have questions? We can help and are here for you day and night. You can reach us by telephone 24 hours a day on 0800-0188. Our support professionals are capable of helping you in English.